Kairos Inside
Kairos Inside addresses the spiritual needs of prisoners and creates Christian communities inside prisons that can transform lives, decrease prison violence, and reduce recidivism. Kairos volunteers go into prisons in teams of 30 to 40 to pray, share the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, and share meals and fellowship with the incarcerated. This is accomplished by the following:
3 ½ Day Weekends: The first visit is a 3 ½ day Weekend conducted in an institution by a team of volunteers of the same gender as the institution. The Weekend begins on Thursday evening and ends with a spirit-filled Closing on Sunday. This is only the “starting point” as the Participants are guided through steps of understanding the Christian life.
Weekly Prayer and Share Group Fellowships: This is the heart of Kairos! The ultimate goal of 3 ½ Day Weekends is to build a Christian community inside the Institution. Prayer and Share Groups of 3 to 6 individuals provide an opportunity for the Inside Community to pray and fellowship together on a weekly basis by nurturing each other in their faith walk and providing accountability.
Monthly Reunions: Participants provide leadership for monthly Reunions. Three or more Participants are selected to share how Jesus is working in their lives. This gathering creates an environment that fosters participation and an opportunity for spiritual growth in the lives of the Participants.
2-Day Retreats: A 2-Day Retreat is held approximately 3 months following each Weekend. The Retreat is conducted by a small team with a minimum of 10 Kairos volunteers and is open to all Kairos Participants who have experienced a Weekend. Various topics are carefully chosen for these retreats to enhance and encourage the participants to continue their Prayer and Share groups.
If you would like more information about how you can support or volunteer for this rewarding ministry, contact Martin Reid. You can also visit the Kairos of Virginia website for more details.