Youth Ministries
Hang out with friends, have meaningful conversations, and live out our faith together!
For more information, contact us.
The Brandermill Church is an active place for middle and high school youth. A wide range of activities – from movie nights to bowling to Bible studies and prayer – keep our youth connecting with God and each other.
Youth Group
The Brandermill Church Youth Group meets on Sunday nights from 5 to 7 pm. Join us and strengthen your relationship with Christ, with friends and with your church!
Donuts & Disciples (Sunday School)
Youth from 6th to 12th grade are welcome to this Discipleship Hour Bible Study on Sundays from 9 to 10 am in the Youth Room to explore what we believe and why. There are always donuts!
Summer Mission Trips and Conferences
Over the summer, youth often have the opportunity to go on mission trips and attend conferences. During this time away from their busy, daily lives, youth have the chance to repair homes, interact with residents, make new friends, learn new skills and, most importantly, grow closer to each other and God.
Confirmation Class
The Brandermill Church offers Confirmation classes for all students in 8th grade and older. This is a wonderful opportunity for youth to consider what they believe and why they believe it. This is also a time that a student can be baptized into the church as they grow into a more mature faith.
Youth Sunday
Once a year, the young people of our church lead us in Sunday Worship. Seniors give sermons, play instruments, lead hymns and sing anthems, serve communion, read scripture and make memories as they share their faith with the congregation and each other! It’s a very special service that the congregation looks forward to all year long.