Worship Committee
The Worship Committee's primary responsibility is to assure a pleasant and meaningful worship experience through providing greeters and ushers, and by coordinating the altar decor, holiday decorations, and Communion presentation.
The Altar Guild sets the altar for each Sunday worship, following the liturgical calendar to select the proper colors for the paraments. (Paraments include the Bible bookmark and the decorative banners which hang from either side of the altar table.) Following worship, we return the paraments to the Altar Guild closet and check to make sure that the altar candles are long enough to be used for the following week's service.
The Communion Prep team assures that we have a sufficient supply of the Communion elements of bread and grape juice/wine. This team sets the altar with bread and a chalice for each Communion statement, as well as elements for the pastor(s) to use during their presentation and invitation. We also have a smaller gluten-free station with grape juice and slices of gluten-free bread for those who wish to partake of these elements.
Four Communion Servers distribute napkins as our congregation members approach the communion station of their choice. Four additional servers hold the chalice, and four servers distribute bread. Following the worship service, the prep team tidies the altar area, returns the chalices and plates to the Altar Guild closet, and takes home the napkins for laundering.
Ushers serve on a rotating basis to help pass collection plates, count attendance, and distribute bulletins and additional papers as necessary.
Greeters at the Welcome Desk serve on a rotating basis. These volunteers are available to answer questions, provide directions, and give "welcome bags" to first-time visitors.
Although the Music Ministry technically falls under the heading of the Worship Committee, the committee itself has no direct responsibility for choosing the music or providing guidance for any other aspect of the worship service itself.